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Wonder Woman 1984

I try to avoid labeling or scoring a movie. However, I find a responsibility toward my readers to give them an honest opinion. This movie is mediocre. Besides, it promotes stereotypes and Islamophobia. Spoiler Alert! I will need to reveal some of the events for clarity purposes. Here are the reasons why this movie falls short of expectation


The movie starts with young Diana competing with fellow Amazonian women through a series of challenges. She took a shortcut and was stopped by Antiope right before winning. She gave Diana a lesson that she cannot win by cheating. Although this opening was entertaining, we do not see any reference to this opening in the entire movie. The only connection that one can think of is the importance of truth instead of false wishes. A link that seemed too forced just to fit the opening scene.


The movie used the old cliche of the lonely, nerdy, and insecure character that becomes a villain. Barbara started as a clumsy, invisible, kind woman, and she was desperate to be admired. She meets Diana. Then, they become friends. Barbara used the magical stone to become as powerful and as pretty as Diana. Her character kept evolving. She became evil. Then, we suddenly see her transforming into a cheetah toward the end in the scene where she fights with Diana.

Boredom and Plot Holes:

Watching DC Comics, I was looking for a linked scene chain that unfolds the story. I was looking for suspense and adventure. The presence of a wish rock driving the events did not allow that. Anything could happen by touching the rock. The weak plot structure made the movie boring. Besides, the opening was not the only long unnecessary scene. For example, we see Steve and Diana flying over fireworks for a long time. Also, the movie did not address some key events. When and how did Barabara transform into a cheetah? We roughly learn about The history and the origin of the stone.


Gal Gadot, would you please stop including yourself in a cinematic version in Egypt? Instead of showing an authentic and realistic taste of the culture, this movie promoted the stereotypes against Arabs and Muslims cheaply. When everyone was making a wish, what did the Muslim man desire? Nuclear bomb! (Of course, you know). Also, this is NOT Egypt in the 80s. I wish the filmmakers did some search. People did not dress in these outrageous oriental clothes. Taxis did not cost like a couple of dollars Wonder Woman gave the Taxi driver to buy his taxi. From 1979 to 1988, the official rate of the Egyptian pound was $0.6. Do some math! It portrays Arab as naive and easily defeated. Then we see "helpless" Egyptian children, protected by Gal Gadot with some reassuring Arabic sentence. The Arabic language was often misused. For example, when people had to give up their wish. The Muslim man said "ana Assef" which translates to: "I am sorry.", a sentence that has nothing to do with the situation! This scene was toward the end of the movie. Hence, the poor writing of the film was no longer a surprise.

To Amr Waked

Why?! I remember proudly taking a photo of your affiche in Italy in 2011, the revolutionary international Egyptian actor! Do you throw away loyalty and activism once it comes to fame or money? Would you please never act again as an activist? You did not only accept a movie with a Zionist (Gal Gadot), who served in the Israeli army, you gave a poor false representation of Egypt and Islam. I find no difference between Amr Waked and Mohamed Ramadan. The latter's picture with an Israeli singer sparked anger on social media. Mohamed Ramadan deserves criticism for this action and for promoting violence in all his series in general. But at least Mohamed Ramadan never acted as an activist in the first place.

When I used to be a fan of the revolutionary Egyptian Actor in Italy, February 2011

Questionable Messages:

Diana used the stone for Steve Trevor to come back. It could have been believable in the presence of a dream stone. However, his soul comes back in the body of another man. We don't even know the name of that other man. They refer to him as the "Handsome Guy." Both Steve and Diana knew that this is not Steve. When Steve looks at the mirror, he sees "the Handsome Guy." Diana's mind only projects Steve's image when she looks at him. Did this "Handsome Guy" have a partner? A job? Was his body taken with his consent? Even in magic, these types of messages should not be promoted. Men and women should always have autonomy over their own body even in a DC comics film!

To conclude, having a nap, reading a book, drinking a cup of tea with a friend will be a much better use of time than watching this film.

-Raghda Abouelnaga


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